185 Index
microSD card 14 MMS 112 Modem
-USB tethering 162
-using your computer 162 Multimedia message 112 Music
-browsing the library 95
-copying music to storage card 27
-listening 94
-playing music from Lock screen 95
-playlist 95
-setting a song as ringtone 97
-sharing music using Bluetooth 97
-widget 95
-icons 22
-panel 25
Online accounts
-about 56
-managing 57 Onscreen keyboard
-copying and pasting text 156
-dictionary 154
-editing text 156
-entering text 152
-entering text by speaking 155
-predictive text 153
-selecting text 156
-settings 157
Optimizing battery life 176
Pair a Bluetooth device 164
Peep 74
-adding a new contact 62
-deleting contacts 66
-editing a contact 66
-filtering your contacts 64
-groups 67
-merging contact information 63
-searching for a contact 64
-widget 69
Phone calls
-calling a number in a message 39
-calling number in an email 40
-calling using
-making an emergency call 40
-receiving 41
-setting up a conference call 44 Phone information 178
Phone settings
-About phone 178
-Applications 177
-Display 174
-Language & keyboard 176
-Power 176
-SD & phone storage 177
-Sound 175
Phone updates 180
-copying to/from storage card 27
-editing 89
-sharing 91
-viewing 88
Playing music from the Lock screen 95 PUK (PIN Unblock Key) 170
Quick Settings 26
Radio 107
Record your voice 108
Ring volume
-lowering ring volume automatically 175
-making your phone ring louder 176 Ringtone
-changing 36
-setting 97
Router 162
Scenes 29
- adjusting screen brightness 174