89 Photos, videos, and music
Zooming in or out on a photo
There are two ways you can zoom in or out of a photo.
§Tap the screen twice quickly to zoom in, then tap the screen twice quickly again to zoom out.
§Press your thumb and index finger on the screen and then spread your fingers apart to zoom in; pinch your fingers together to zoom out.
Watching videos
While browsing an album, tap a video to play it.
Another way to easily get to your videos is to tap from the Homescreen, and then tap Videos.
§Use the onscreen controls to play, pause, or stop the video.
§Tap to toggle between full and
Editing your photos
Do basic editing tasks on your photos such as rotate and crop. You can also enhance your photos by applying effects such as high contrast, vintage, and more.
Rotating a photo
1.On the Gallery app’s Albums screen, tap an album.
2.Press and hold on the photo that you want to rotate.
3.In the menu that opens, tap Edit, and then tap either Rotate left or Rotate right.