Display or | Change | Diagnostic | Run | Time Options |
| ||||
The | Display | or | Change | Diagnostic | Run | Time | Options task allows | the | diagnostic | |||
time | options | to | be | set. |
| ||
Note: | The | run | time | options | are | used | only | when selecting the | Run | Diagnostic |
The run time options are:
ŸDisplay Diagnostic Mode Selection Menus
This option allows the user to turn on or off displaying the DIAGNOSTIC SELECTION MENU (the default is on).
ŸRun Tests Multiple Times
This | option allows the user to turn | on | or off | running | the diagnostic in |
(the default is off). |
| |
Note: | This option is only displayed | when | running | Online | Diagnostics in Servi |
Mode. |
ŸInclude Advanced Diagnostics
This | option allows | the user to turn on or off including the Advanced Di |
(the | default is | off). |
ŸInclude Error Log Analysis
This | option | allows the | user to turn on or off including the Error Log An |
(ELA) | (the | default is | off). |
ŸNumber of Days Used to Search Error Log
This | option | allows the | user | to | select the number of days to | search t | ||
log | for | errors when | running | the | Error Log | Analysis. The default | is seven | |
but | can | be | changed | from | one | to sixty | days. |
ŸDisplay Progress Indicators
This | option | allows the | user to | turn on or off the progress indicators | ||||
the | Diagnostic | Applications. The | progress indicators | are a | popup box | at | ||
bottom of | the | screen | indicating | the test being | run (the | default | is |
ŸSave Changes to the Database
This option allows the user to save any changes made to the