Complete Hardware Guide for EX3200 and EX4200 Ethernet Switches
WARNING: Varning! Rikta inte blicken in mot strålen och titta inte direkt på den genom optiska instrument.
Related Topics ■ General Safety Guidelines and Warnings for EX Series Switches on page 207
■Radiation from Open Port Apertures Warning for EX Series Switches on page 216
■Installation Instructions Warning for EX Series Switches on page 219
■Grounded Equipment Warning for EX Series Switches on page 226
■Optical Interface Support in EX3200 and EX4200 Switches on page 43
■Optical Interface Support in EX8200 Switches
■Optical Interface Support in EX2200 Switches
Radiation from Open Port Apertures Warning for EX Series Switches
WARNING: Because invisible radiation might be emitted from the aperture of the port when no fiber cable is connected, avoid exposure to radiation and do not stare into open apertures.
WARNING: Waarschuwing Aangezien onzichtbare straling vanuit de opening van de poort kan komen als er geen fiberkabel aangesloten is, dient blootstelling aan straling en het kijken in open openingen vermeden te worden.
WARNING: Varoitus Koska portin aukosta voi emittoitua näkymätöntä säteilyä, kun kuitukaapelia ei ole kytkettynä, vältä säteilylle altistumista äläkä katso avoimiin aukkoihin.
WARNING: Attention Des radiations invisibles à l'il nu pouvant traverser l'ouverture du port lorsqu'aucun câble en fibre optique n'y est connecté, il est recommandé de ne pas regarder fixement l'intérieur de ces ouvertures.
WARNING: Warnung Aus der
216■ Radiation from Open Port Apertures Warning for EX Series Switches