Feature operation 135
2. If the originator’s call forward DN does not match the active DN of
the destination, then an overflow tone is provided to the destination
3. If the Call Forward All Calls functionality on the originator telephone is
already deactivated, then an overflow tone is provided to the destination
4. If the originator does not have call forward all calls defined, then an
overflow tone is provided to the destination telephone.

16-Button DTMF telephone

To activate CFDD on this telephone, the user must press one of the ABCD
function keys that is defined as CFDD FFC, followed by DN of call forward
telephone and end of dial delimiter.

Deactivating Multiple Appearance DN

The Call Forward Destination Deactivation feature operation remains the
same. However, if the call forward station is a Multiple Appearance DN
(MADN) telephone, then the station’s Prime DN is considered to find the
Call Forward All Calls functionality for deactivation.
If more than one MADN call forward stations have Call Forward All Calls
defined and the call forward DN on one or more MADN call forward stations
matches the active DN of telephone B, then the call forward functionality on
one or more MADN call forward stations is deactivated.
Any one of MADN call forwarded destination station is allowed to deactivate
the call forward function on the call forward station by using the CFDD FFC.
Nortel Communication Server 1000
Features and Services Fundamentals — Book 2 of 6 (C)
NN43001-106 02.04 Standard
Release 5.5 9 May 2008
Copyright © 1994–2008, Nortel Networks