Feature implementation 425

Define Confirmation Tone.

LD 15 - Define the basic setup for all three of the FFC-based features.
Prompt Response Description
REQ: CHG Change existing data.
TYPE: FFC Flexible Feature Codes
CUST Customer number
0-99 Range for Large System and CS 1000E system.
0-31 Range for Small System and Media Gateway 1000B.
- FFCS (NO) YES (Do not) change Flexible Feature Code end-of-dialing
- STRL 1-3 String Length of end-of-dial indicator.
- STRG xxx String to indicate end-of-dialing. Up to three digits as
defined by STRL. Digits 0-9 and "#" are valid entries.
REQ CHG Change.
TYPE FTR Features and options.
- SPRE nnnn Special Function Prefix (required for FFCs to operate).
LD 56 - Define Confirmation Tone.
Prompt Response Description
REQ CHG Change existing data.
TYPE FTC Flexible Tones and Cadences.
TABL 0-31 FTC Table Number.
HCCT YES Hardware controlled cadences and tones.
- FFCT Configure Confirmation Tone.
- - XTON 0-(4)-255 XCT (NT8D17 Conference/TDS) Tone code.
- - XCAD (0)-255 XCT (NT8D17 Conference/TDS) Cadence number (FCAD
cadence number).
Busy Number Redial
Task Summary List

Complete the following steps to configure the Busy Number Redial feature:

1. "LD 57 - Configure Flexible Feature Codes for Busy Number Redial."

(page 426)

Configure Flexible Feature Codes for Busy Number Redial.

2. "LD 15 - Set the Autodial Delay time used by Busy Number Redial."

(page 426)

Nortel Communication Server 1000
Features and Services Fundamentals — Book 2 of 6 (C)
NN43001-106 02.04 Standard
Release 5.5 9 May 2008
Copyright © 1994–2008, Nortel Networks