Feature description 233
The NAME prompt in LDs 10, 11, and 95 accepts first name, a comma as
a separator, and last name (such as Mary,Smith). CPND also supports
names using a space separator (such as Mary Smith), treating the entire
name string as the first name. See Table 2 "Response formats for CPND
NAME prompt" (page 233) for examples.
Table 2
Response formats for CPND NAME prompt
Entered Data Displayed Result
Sue Smith <CR> Sue Smith
Sue,Smith <CR> Sue Smith
Sue <CR>
Sue, <CR> Sue
(Trailing comma is ignored.)
Sue,Smith, Dept. 410 <CR> Sue Smith, Dept. 410
Sue Smith, Joe Brown <CR> Sue Smith, Joe Brown
The default is to accept the names as entered, replacing the comma with a
space. Hence, a value entered as Mary,Smith displays as Mary Smith.
Do not enter leading spaces. LD 95 ignores them. When CPND information
is printed (using LD 10/11 or LD 20), the printout reflects what is in the
database, not what appears on the telephone display.
In addition to the caller’s name, a reason field can be provided to indicate
the cause of a redirection. This is a customer option and the actual
mnemonics are service changeable. The following call redirections have
a reason displayed:
Call Forward All Calls
Call Forward No Answer
Hunting/Call Forward Busy
Call Transfer with Network Call Redirection
Attendant Alternative Answering
Call Pickup

Display Devices and Capabilities

The M2317 has a display line of 40 characters, 33 available for displaying
DN-related information.
If there are more characters than the telephone’s display allows, the system
deletes letters to make the name fit.
The M2250 attendant console is equipped with four lines of LCD
alphanumeric display. Each line has 40 characters, and lines 2 and 3
are used to display DN-related information. If the number of characters
Nortel Communication Server 1000
Features and Services Fundamentals — Book 2 of 6 (C)
NN43001-106 02.04 Standard
Release 5.5 9 May 2008
Copyright © 1994–2008, Nortel Networks