374 Card LED Status
multi-frequency receiver (MFR) card (TPC15).
Feature interactions
Card LED Status does not interact with other features.
Feature packaging
Card LED Status requires International Supplementary Features (SUPP)
package 131.
Feature implementation
Task summary list
The following is a summary of the tasks in this section:
1. "LD 17 - Configure the system hardware and software parameters."
(page 374)
Configure the system hardware and software parameters.
2. "LD 10 - Create or modify data blocks for analog (500/2500 type)
telephones." (page 374)
Create or modify data blocks for analog (500/2500 type) telephones.
LD 17 - Configure the system hardware and software parameters.
Prompt Response Description
CHG Add new data.
Change existing data.
TYPE CEQU Common Equipment parameters
CEQU (NO) YES Change CE parameters.
TERM T0-T159 TVT single density local terminal loops.
LD 10 - Create or modify data blocks for analog (500/2500 type) telephones.
Prompt Response Description
CHG Add new data.
Change existing data.
TYPE: 500 Telephone type.
CLS OPN Allows Swedish TVT off-premise line card to be treated as
a local extension by the system.
Feature operation
No specific operating procedures are required to use this feature.
Nortel Communication Server 1000
Features and Services Fundamentals — Book 2 of 6 (C)
NN43001-106 02.04 Standard
Release 5.5 9 May 2008
Copyright © 1994–2008, Nortel Networks