Feature description 509
6. Convert trunks (1 trunk = 4 sets), and agent set (1 agent set = 4 sets)
to equivalent sets before using Table 9 "Maximum CLASS sets per
group (based on inter-group junctor capacity limitation)" (page 503) to
find junctor traffic threshold.
7. If the threshold in Table 9 "Maximum CLASS sets per group (based on
inter-group junctor capacity limitation)" (page 503) is greater than the
total number of equivalent sets, traffic in the system is balanced, there is
no need for further network engineering.
8. If the number of equivalent set is greater than the threshold, one or all
of the following engineering rules should be followed to reduce junctor
a. Move sets (CLASS or non-CLASS) or trunks to another group to
satisfy the above engineering rules.
b. Equip XCMC pack in more than one group to serve local CLASS
set traffic.
9. When a trunk route is known to serve only agent sets, and these trunks
and agent sets are in the same group, exclude them from the set count
in Table 9 "Maximum CLASS sets per group (based on inter-group
junctor capacity limitation)" (page 503) threshold (for example, do not
include trunks and agent sets with known COI to use Table 9 "Maximum
CLASS sets per group (based on inter-group junctor capacity limitation)"
(page 503); they do not generate traffic to junctors).
The following examples will show some of the engineering details of dealing
with various alternatives.
To simplify discussion, the network group with most trunks is called group 0,
consequently, a majority of CLASS sets, if not all, are in group 1. If most
agent CLASS sets and XCMC pack are in group 0, there is no need for
further engineering.

Engineering examples for Call Center applications

One XCMC pack serving a single group system No special engineering
rule is needed for a single group system. Look up Table 10 "CMOD unit
capacity" (page 504) to find the required number of CMOD units to serve
the given CLASS sets. For example, to serve a CS 1000M SG or Meridian 1
PBX 61C with 300 agent CLASS sets, use Table 10 "CMOD unit capacity"
(page 504) to find the CMOD units that can serve 1200 equivalent sets
(=300x4). The result is 20 units.
One XCMC pack serving a 2-group system
1. Example 1: No re-configuration required
Nortel Communication Server 1000
Features and Services Fundamentals — Book 2 of 6 (C)
NN43001-106 02.04 Standard
Release 5.5 9 May 2008
Copyright © 1994–2008, Nortel Networks