156 Call Forward No Answer/Flexible Call Forward No Answer
example, at the tandem node) from being displayed on the terminating
telephone. In this case, the forwarding station must include the CPP in the
forwarding DN (such as *67 + ACOD + the DN on the terminating node).
When the Call Forward No Answer timer expires for a ringing camped-on
call, the call is given Attendant Recall treatment instead of Call Forward
No Answer treatment.
China - Attendant Monitor
If an attendant attempts to monitor a DN which is Call Forwarded and is idle,
idle DN treatment is given.
China - Toll Call Loss Plan
Toll pad switching is also provided after call forwarding has been completed.
When the toll call is diverted, the diverted party’s pad level is switched back
to its original value (unless it is an OPS station using dynamic switching).
The Toll Loss Plan is applied again for the new call as if it is a direct call.
For Call Transfer, it is provided after the transferring party completes the
transfer and drops out. For Call Forward or Hunting, it is provided when the
forwarding or hunting call is answered.
Dial Access to Group Calls
Call Forward No Answer cannot be applied to a Group Call.

Departmental Listed Directory Number

Call Forward No Answer to the attendant operates like Call Forward to 0,
and are routed to any idle attendant console in the customer group.

Directory Number Delayed Ringing

The Directory Number Delayed Ringing (DNDR) feature allows the
SCN/MCN (non ringing keys) to actually ring after a definable period of time
(DNDR prompt in LD 11). If the time before CFNA takes effect is less than
the DNDR time for a particular telephone, CFNA will forward this call before
any SCN/MCN keys can ring on this telephone. Note that CFNA is defined
in the number of rings and DNDR is defined in seconds.
If the Forward DN telephone is busy or invalid when the call is forwarded,
the call will return to the originally called telephone. However, the DNDR
delay timer is reapplied to the called telephone if DNDR is defined.
If a call is forwarded, as per existing operation, this call is treated as a
new incoming call to the forward DN. For example, if the forward DN has
a DNDR value defined, a new timer isgin timing according to the forward
DN’s DNDR delay.
Nortel Communication Server 1000
Features and Services Fundamentals — Book 2 of 6 (C)
NN43001-106 02.04 Standard
Release 5.5 9 May 2008
Copyright © 1994–2008, Nortel Networks