408 China - Attendant Monitor
Operating parameters
Since Attendant Monitor is based on Busy Verify and Barge-In, it has the
same limitations which apply to Busy Verify and Barge-in unless otherwise
stated in this feature description.
This feature has been developed exclusively for use in China.
Attendant Monitor is strictly a standalone, same-customer feature which
is not supported over networks. A customer equipped with the Attendant
Monitor feature can only monitor a DN or trunk defined for that customer
without going over the network.
The toggle function between having a one-way speechpath and a two-way
speechpath during monitoring is not supported.
This feature is not supported for attendants monitoring other attendants.
Monitoring an M2216 or M5317 is not supported.
The attendant may be blocked from monitoring a DN or trunk due to a limit
on the number of conference time slots.
Feature interactions

Attendant Barge-In

When China (CHINA) package 285 is equipped, the normal operation of
Barge-In changes slightly. The repeatable tone is now configurable with the
(TOA)/TOD option in LD 15.
If an attendant is monitoring a trunk, a second attendant defined at the
same customer location is blocked from Barging In to any trunk involved
in the monitored call.
If an attendant is Barged-In with a trunk, a second attendant defined at
the same customer location is blocked from monitoring any party involved
in the monitored call.
Attendant Break-In
If an attendant is monitoring a DN, a second attendant defined at the
same customer site is blocked from Breaking In to any party involved in
the monitored call.
If an attendant is in a Break-In situation with a DN, a second attendant
defined at the same customer site is blocked from monitoring any party
involved in the monitored call.
Nortel Communication Server 1000
Features and Services Fundamentals — Book 2 of 6 (C)
NN43001-106 02.04 Standard
Release 5.5 9 May 2008
Copyright © 1994–2008, Nortel Networks