518 CLASS: Calling Number and Name Delivery

VIP Automatic Wakeup

When an attendant makes a VIP Automatic Wakeup call to a CLASS, then
the Calling Name and Number is delivered in the same manner as when the
attendant makes a call to the CLASS set using normal dialing.

Virtual Network Services (VNS)

When an incoming VNS trunk call is presented to a CLASS set with Calling
Number Delivery active, the calling number delivered to the CLASS set is
one of the following:
If the incoming CLID is defined as display denied (the originating set has
Display Digit Denied, Calling Party Privacy, or Calling Line Identification
Restriction active), then the calling number privacy indicator is delivered
in place of the calling number.
If no CLID is passed on by the incoming VNS trunk, then the calling
number unknown indicator is delivered in place of the calling number.
Otherwise, the CLID received from the incoming VNS trunk is directly
delivered. If the CLID is longer than 10 digits, only the first 10 is
When an incoming VNS trunk call is presented to a CLASS set with Calling
Name Delivery active, the calling name delivered to the CLASS set is one
of the following:
If the calling name is defined as presentation denied (the originating
set has a Display Name Denied, Calling Party Privacy, or Calling Line
Identification Restriction active), then the calling name privacy indicator
is delivered in place of the calling name.
If no calling name is passed on by the incoming VNS trunk, then the
calling name unknown indicator is delivered in place of the calling name.
Otherwise, the calling name received from the incoming VNS trunk is
directly delivered. If the calling name is longer than 15 characters, only
the first 15 is delivered.
Feature packaging
The following packages are required for the CLASS Calling Name and
Number Delivery feature:
Calling Party Name Display (CPND) package 95
CLASS Calling Number Delivery (CNUMB) package 332
CLASS Calling Name Delivery (CNAME) package 333 and
Nortel Communication Server 1000
Features and Services Fundamentals — Book 2 of 6 (C)
NN43001-106 02.04 Standard
Release 5.5 9 May 2008
Copyright © 1994–2008, Nortel Networks