Feature description 453
CIS CAC MFC CAC Description and CIS CAC meaning
CAC7 0MFC value corresponding to CIS CAC 7
"Business or residential subset with automatic
access to regional, toll and international network
plus to chargeable service numbers"
CAC8 0MFC value corresponding to CIS CAC 8
"Business subset for data, facsimile and
electronic mail with automatic access to
regional, toll and international network."
CAC9 0MFC value corresponding to CIS CAC 9
"Local call coin box"
DFLT 0MFC value corresponding to CIS CAC 0
Mapping CLID to ANI and OLI to ANI The feature implements mapping
of CLID on Euro-ISDN and enhances it on other ISDN interfaces.
The ANIE prompt in LD 16 configures an ANI table entry for the trunk route.
Building ANI for interfaces without calling number The title of this
subsection refers to routes whose connectivity does not give the possibility
to receive a calling number (DTI2, Analog,...).
This case is similar to the situation where an Incoming route with calling
number does not receive the calling number.
Mapping ANI to ANI in gateway CIS DTI2 to CIS The feature CIS ANI
Reception is developed concurrently to this one for incoming CIS DTI2
routes (see CIS ANI Reception in this document). For the gateway DTI2
CIS to CIS, on the outgoing CIS route the ANI is built using the ANI received
on incoming route. The received ANI can be manipulated using ANI table
entry configured on incoming CIS route.
The CAC used on outgoing route is the one received in incoming ANI. This
CAC is copied into outgoing ANI without any modifications. If no ANI has
been received on incoming CIS route. The CAC used is the one configured
against CAC_CIS prompt on incoming CIS route.
Nortel Communication Server 1000
Features and Services Fundamentals — Book 2 of 6 (C)
NN43001-106 02.04 Standard
Release 5.5 9 May 2008
Copyright © 1994–2008, Nortel Networks