Call Park on Unsupervised Trunks

Contents This section contains information on the following topics:
"Feature description" (page 227)
"Operating parameters" (page 227)
"Feature interactions" (page 228)
"Feature packaging" (page 228)
"Feature implementation" (page 228)
"Feature operation" (page 229)
Feature description
This enhancement to the Call Park feature allows Central Office (CO),
FEX, and Wide Area Telephone Service (WATS) trunks, without disconnect
supervision, to be call-parked. All other trunk types without disconnect
supervision cannot be parked. The Disconnect Timer (DCTI) is used to
prevent phantom calls from ringing beyond the set time. Answered calls in
the held, parked, camped-on, or ringing state are disconnected when the
DCTI times-out.
This enhancement also allows Direct Inward System Access (DISA) on
CO, FEX, and WATS trunks without disconnect supervision. DISA on
unsupervised trunks does not intercept to the attendant, but is subject to
Timed Forced Disconnect Timer, which prevents the CO trunk from being
seized if the far end hangs up.
Operating parameters
The Disconnect Timer apples not only to Call Park but also to all trunks on
the route. All answered calls in the held, parked, ringing, or Camp-On states
is disconnected if left in that state for an extended period (this even applies
to calls in a call waiting queue type).
Nortel Communication Server 1000
Features and Services Fundamentals — Book 2 of 6 (C)
NN43001-106 02.04 Standard
Release 5.5 9 May 2008
Copyright © 1994–2008, Nortel Networks