Feature implementation 401
Prompt Response Description
0-99 Range for Large System and CS 1000E system.
0-31 Range for Small System and Media Gateway 1000B.
- CHLN (0)-23 Maximum number of digits that can be in an FCA code (default
is 0).
- FCAF (NO) YES (Disable) enable FCA for the customer.
- CHMN xx Minimum number of digits that can be in an FCA code (must be
less than CHLN).
- FCNC xx NCOS to be assigned to FCA codes.
LD 10 - Enable Forced Charge Account for analog (500/2500 type) telephones.
Prompt Response Description
REQ: CHG Change existing data.
TYPE: 500 Telephone type.
TN Terminal number
l s c u Format for Large System and CS 1000E system,
where l = loop, s = shelf, c = card, u = unit.
cu Format for Small System and Media Gateway 1000B where c =
card and u = unit.
YES FCA can be used by this telephone.
FCA is restricted from use by this telephone.
LD 11 - Enable Forced Charge Account for Meridian 1 proprietary telephones.
Prompt Response Description
REQ: CHG Change existing data.
TYPE: a...a Telephone type. Type ?for a list of possible responses.
TN Terminal number
l s c u Format for Large System and CS 1000E system,
where l = loop, s = shelf, c = card, u = unit.
cu Format for Small System and Media Gateway 1000B where c =
card and u = unit.
YES FCA can be used by this telephone.
FCA is restricted from use by this telephone.
LD 14 - Enable Forced Charge Account for each incoming TIE or CCSA trunk.
Prompt Response Description
REQ CHG Change existing data.
TYPE TIE CAA Trunk type (must be TIE or CCSA).
Nortel Communication Server 1000
Features and Services Fundamentals — Book 2 of 6 (C)
NN43001-106 02.04 Standard
Release 5.5 9 May 2008
Copyright © 1994–2008, Nortel Networks