346 Camp-On to Multiple Appearance Directory Number
Step Action
1Sets A, B, and C are Meridian 1 proprietary telephones with the
same MCR or MCN DN. All three sets are busy.
2The attendant extends an external call to the busy DN and releases.
Sets A, B, and C hear Camp-On tone.
3A goes on-hook and camped call is presented to set A. Camp-On
tone is removed from B and C.
4If B went on-hook in step 3, the call is presented to set B and
Camp-On tone is removed from sets A and C.
5Similar operations as in step 4if set C goes on-hook.
Operating parameters
The same feature requirements apply as for the Camp-On feature.
This Camp-On enhancement applies to Multiple-appearance Multiple-call
Ringing (MCR) or Non-ringing (MCN) DNs; it does not apply to
Multiple-appearance Single-call Ringing (SCR) or Non-ringing (SCN) DNs.
Feature interactions
Attendant Break-in
Camp-On will not be allowed on a set involved in an Attendant Break-in.

Centralized Multiline

This feature allows analog (500/2500 type) telephones to appear as MCR
DNs. This enhancement should apply to these sets.
Make Set Busy
Camp-On will not be allowed on a set with Make Set Busy active.

Network Camp-On

The Camp-On enhancement applies to all Camp-On attempts regardless of
where the Camp-On was originated.

Operator Call Back

Camp-On is not allowed on a set waiting for an Operator Recall signal.
Nortel Communication Server 1000
Features and Services Fundamentals — Book 2 of 6 (C)
NN43001-106 02.04 Standard
Release 5.5 9 May 2008
Copyright © 1994–2008, Nortel Networks