310 Called Party Control on Internal Calls
2. In a three party conference between the called party, calling party and
the recorder then the recorder is not considered as a conferee. The
recorder is treated as a simple call for called party control on internal
calls feature.
3. In a set to set call, if the called party establishes a conference with a
trunk then the called party control on internal calls feature functionality is
provided as long as the last called party (with CLS configured as MCTA)
which goes on hook is a set rather than a trunk.

Transfer Call

If calling party and the called party are both involved in a simple call
and either party tries to transfer the call to another set then the following
operation is observed:
1. If the called party in a CPCI call attempts to transfer the call to a set with
CLS MCTA, it is not allowed to complete its transfer.
2. If the called party transfers the call across the network then the called
party is allowed to complete its transfer across the network and the
transferred to party does not have any control on the calling party.
3. If the calling party in a CPCI call attempts to transfer the call to another
set, it is not allowed to complete its transfer regardless of that set’s
Class of Service.

Call on Hold

If calling party and the called party both are involved in a simple call and
either party tries to put the call on hold then the following operation is
1. If the calling party tries to release the call then the calling party is not
allowed to release from the call.
2. If the called party tries to release the call then the called party is allowed
to release from the call.
Nortel Communication Server 1000
Features and Services Fundamentals — Book 2 of 6 (C)
NN43001-106 02.04 Standard
Release 5.5 9 May 2008
Copyright © 1994–2008, Nortel Networks