178 Call Forward, Remote (Attendant and Network Wide)
A new optional customer-based password is introduced for attendant RCFW
operation. This password is configured in LD 15 and is the only password
required for attendant RCFW operation. The station control password
previously used by the Flexible Feature Code (FFC) set-based RCFW is not
required when the attendant activates RCFW by pressing the RFW key.
Operating parameters
The network wide application of this feature is only applicable to nodes in an
MCDN environment. The nodes in the network must be system switches.
No other Central Office (CO) or circuit switched network type is supported
for this feature operation.
For set-based network operation of the Remote Call Forward feature, the
Station Control Password Length (SCPL) must be configured to be the same
length for all nodes in the network. Attempts to operate RCFW with different
SCPLs will result in overflow tone being presented to the user.
For network operation of the RCFW feature, the Private Network Identifier
(PNI) must be configured consistently for all nodes in the network.
The Attendant and Network Wide RCFW features use the existing RCFW
code to activate or deactivate call forward on stations. As such, all limitations
applicable to the local RCFW feature are applicable to the network and
attendant operation of the feature.
No new hardware is required for this feature.
Feature interactions

Basic Rate Interface (BRI)

Since ISDN BRI sets do not support Flexible Feature Codes, Remote Call
Forward cannot be activated from a BRI set.

Call Forward Activation from any Feature

Call Forward and Busy Status

There are no direct conflicts with either of these features and the RCFW

Call Forward Destination Deactivation

Remote Call Forward (RCFW) and Call Forward Destination Deactivation
(CFDD) provide the same functionality but are activated differently. CFDD
does not require the call forward station’s control password to deactivate the
call forward functionality on the call forward station.
Nortel Communication Server 1000
Features and Services Fundamentals — Book 2 of 6 (C)
NN43001-106 02.04 Standard
Release 5.5 9 May 2008
Copyright © 1994–2008, Nortel Networks