580 Console Presentation Group Level Services
Each CPG can go into Night Service mode independent of the other
Recorded Announcement (RAN)
Each CPG can have its own recorded overflow announcements.
Operating parameters
Console Presentation Group (CPG) services and Departmental Listed
Directory Numbers (DLDN) are mutually exclusive at the customer level.
That is, DLDNs can be equipped on the same system with Console
Presentation Groups (CPGs), but not enabled for the same customer group
at the same time.
Feature interactions

Attendant Administration

Attendants can dial the access code and activate the Administration mode.
In this mode, they can modify the configuration of any telephone for this

Attendant Secrecy

The Secrecy option specified for a customer applies to all attendants for
that customer.

Attendant Supervisory Console

The supervisory console specified for a customer belongs to one CPG. In
the Supervisory mode, ICI indicators show only the information for ICIs in
that CPG. Thresholds specified in the Customer Data Block apply only to
the CPG where that console resides, and do not effect any other CPG.
Call Park
Parked calls recall to the attendant who parked them. If that attendant
console goes into Position Busy mode, the call recalls to an attendant in the
same CPG as the original.
If the attendant goes into Night Service while a call is parked, the recall
is presented to the Night DN defined for that CPG. If an attendant goes
into Night Service while the recall is in the attendant queue, it stays in the
attendant queue until the call is abandoned.
Tenant access checking between the set (A) who picks up a parked call and
the party (B) who parked the call, is enforced as follows:
If B is a set, tenant-to-tenant access must be allowed between A and B.
If B is an attendant, A and B must belong to the same CPG for
tenant-to-tenant access.
If access is denied, set A (who intends to pick up the access-denied
parked call) receives a blocking tone.
Nortel Communication Server 1000
Features and Services Fundamentals — Book 2 of 6 (C)
NN43001-106 02.04 Standard
Release 5.5 9 May 2008
Copyright © 1994–2008, Nortel Networks