Feature interactions 95

China - Flexible Feature Codes - Outgoing Call Barring

Enhanced Flexible Feature - Outgoing Call Barring

When a telephone with Outgoing Call Barring active activates CFWAC with
a new CFW DN, the CFW DN is tested against the current barring level. If
the DN is not allowed to be dialed, it can also not be used as a Call Forward
DN. This is to prevent a telephone from forwarding to a barred DN and then
dialing its own DN to bypass the limitations.
China - Toll Call Loss Plan
Toll pad switching is also provided after call forwarding has been completed.
When the toll call is diverted, the diverted party’s pad level is switched back
to its original value (unless it is an OPS station using dynamic switching).
The Toll Loss Plan is applied again for the new call as if it is a direct call.
For Call Transfer, it is provided after the transferring party completes the
transfer and drops out. For Call Forward or Hunting, it is provided when the
forwarding or hunting call is answered.
On analog (500/2500 type) telephones, Call Forward All Calls can be
activated or canceled during a conference call.
Display of Calling Party Denied
When a telephone activates any of the call forwarding features, the displays
given on the calling telephone and the terminating telephone are in
accordance with the Class of Service of the telephones involved in the call.
If the terminating telephone has Dialed Name Display Denied (DNDD), the
display on the terminating telephone reflects the name and number of the
calling party and the name and the number of the forwarding telephone.
If the terminating telephone has Dialed Name Display Allowed (DNDA), the
display on the terminating telephone reflects the number of the calling party
and the name and number of the forwarding telephone. In both cases, the
terminating telephone’s display is in accordance with the DPD Class of
Service options of the calling and forwarding telephones.
For a MCDN ISDN call, the calling party’s Calling Line Identification (CLID)
is replaced with the ISDN route access code (ACOD) and the route member
number, and the calling party’s name is replaced by a string of four Xs (X
X X X).
The display given on the calling telephone of an internal call, which has
been forwarded to a telephone within the same switch, includes the name
and number of the terminating telephone along with the number of the
forwarding telephone. If the DPD Class of Service options, which are
specified for the terminating telephone, indicate that the display of the
Nortel Communication Server 1000
Features and Services Fundamentals — Book 2 of 6 (C)
NN43001-106 02.04 Standard
Release 5.5 9 May 2008
Copyright © 1994–2008, Nortel Networks