| Chapter 5: Management with the CLU |
Auto Rebuilding: On | Hot Spare Policy: Global |
Priority: High(RBLD), High(SYNC), High(Migration), High(RC), High(PDM)
Disk Array 1 Properties
1.Create Logical Drive
2.Delete Logical Drive
3.Cache Policy
4.Retry Count
5.Enable/Disable SMART
8.Hot Spare
9.Auto Rebuilding
R. Return to Previous Menu
Please enter your menu choice>8
5.From this submenu, press 8 and Enter to access the Hot Spare Policy function.
Current hot spare policy:
Change to Dedicated hot spare policy for LD 1(y/n)?>y
6.Press Y and Enter to change the Hot Spare Policy to Dedicated.
The physical drives selection appears.
*********Physical Drives Selection*********
ID NameCapacity
9 | WDC | 120 GB |
11 | ST380013AS | 80 GB |
12 | WDC | 120 GB |
Enter Physical Drive ID to select.
Press R to continue after you have finished selecting Physical Drive.
Your input?>9
7.From this submenu, press 9 and Enter to select the disk drive ID 9.
The previous screen reappears with disk drive ID 9 selected.
*********Physical Drives Selection*********
ID NameCapacity
* 9 | WDC |