Chapter 4 Creating Patches

INDIV 1–8:The Patch is sent to the selected INDIVIDUAL 1– 8 jack. (Mono output)

TONE/KEY: The output routing is determined by the settings of each Tone/Partial.

Octave&Tune (Patch Octave & Tune)

Octave Shift

Range: -3– +3

Sets the pitch of the Patch in units of an octave (+/-3 octaves).

*This setting can also be adjusted from the PATCH PLAY page. (p. 17)

Coarse Tune

Range: -48– +48

Adjusts the pitch of Tone/Partial in semitone steps (-4– +4 octaves).

Fine Tune

Range: -50– +50

Adjusts the pitch of the Tone/Partial in 1-cent steps (1/100th of a semitone) over a range of half a semitone up or down.

Stretch Tune Depth

Range: OFF/1/2/3

This setting allows you to apply “stretched tuning” to the Patch. Acoustic pianos typically use stretch tuning, with their lower range slightly flatter and their higher range slightly sharper than the actual mathematical tuning ratios dictate. Stretch is therefore useful when programming a Patch intended to sound like a real piano. With a setting of OFF, the Patch’s tuning will be equal temperament. A setting of 3 will produce the greatest difference in the pitch of the low and high ranges.

This diagram shows the pitch change relative to equal temperament that will occur in the low and high ranges. Stretch will have a subtle effect on the way in which chords resonate.

Pitch difference from

Parameter value

equal temperament












Low note range

High note range

Analog Feel (Analog Feel Depth)

Range: 0–127

Specifies the depth of 1/f modulation that is to be applied to the Patch. (1/f modulation is a pleasant and naturally- occurring ratio of modulation that occurs in a babbling brook or rustling wind.)

By adding this “1/f modulation,” you can simulate the natural instability characteristic of an analog synthesizer.

PATCH Common General #2 page ([PATCH] - [F1 (General)])

Modify (Patch Modify)

Cutoff Offset

Range: -63– +63

This simultaneously lowers or raises the individual TVF cutoff frequency values of the Tones/Partials in the Patch.

Resonance Offset

Range: -63– +63

This simultaneously lowers or raises the individual TVF resonance values of the Tones/Partials in the Patch.

Attack Offset (Attack Time Offset)

Range: -63– +63

This simultaneously lowers or raises the individual TVA ENVELOPE T1 values of the Tones/Partials in the Patch. With Multi-Partial Patches, only TVA changes.


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Roland XV-5080 owner manual Octave&Tune Patch Octave & Tune, 128