Chapter 6 Creating Rhythm Sets
Settings Common to an Entire Rhythm Set
Setting Procedure:
1. Select the Rhythm Set you wish to use.
2. Press [F1 (Common)].
3. Use [ ]/[ ]/[ ]/[ ] to move the cursor to the
parameter you want to set.
4. Turn the VALUE dial or by press [INC]/[DEC], to select
the desired value.
* If you’ve made a mistake, simply press [UNDO]. The value of
the parameter will be restored to what it was when you first
positioned the cursor there.
5. Press [EXIT] to return to the RHYTHM PLAY page.
A * symbol will appear at the left of the Rhythm Set name,
indicating that the settings have been modified.
* If you turn off the power or select another Rhythm Set while
the “*” symbol is displayed, your new Rhythm Set settings
will be lost. If you wish to keep these settings, perform the Save
operation. (p. 194)

RHYTHM Common page ([RHYTHM] -

[F1 (Common)])


Name (Rhythm Name)

You can name a Rhythm Set using up to 12 characters.
Press [ ] or [ ] to move the cursor, and then create the
name by turning the VALUE dial or pressing the [INC] or
[DEC] buttons to select the desired characters.
Available characters/symbols:
space, A-Z, a-z, 0-9, ! " # $ % & ' ( ) * + , - . / : ; < = > ? @ [ \ ] ^
_ ` { | } → ←
* Pressing the VALUE dial displays the Patch Name window,
in which you can use the following functions.
[F2 (Prev)]: Move back one character.
[F3 (Next)]: Move forward one character.
[F4 (Insert)]: Insert a blank space at the cursor position.
[F5 (Delete)]: Delete the character at the cursor position.
[F6 (OK)]: Confirm the selected name.

Level (Rhythm Level)

Range: 0127
Sets the volume of the Rhythm Set.
* You can specify the level for each using the Tone Level
parameter (p. 177).

Output Assign (Rhythm Output Assign)

Specifies the output destination of the entire Rhythm Set.
Available Settings:
MFX: The Tone is sent into the Multi-effects.
OUTPUT AD: The Tone is sent to the selected pair of
OUTPUT AD jacks.
INDIV 18: The Tone is sent to the selected INDIVIDUAL 18
TONE: Outputs according to the settings for each Rhythm


Clock Source (Rhythm Clock Source)

The M-FX changes and phrase loop (break beats) can be
synchronized to a clock, or tempo. The Clock Source setting
selects the timing reference to be used by the Rhythm Set.
Available Settings:
RHYTHM: The Rhythm Set Tempo will be used.
SYSTEM: The global System Tempo or clock messages
received from an external sequencer will be used.

Tempo (Rhythm Tempo)

Range: 20250
When Clock Source (Rhythm Clock Source) is set to
RHYTHM, this setting value is effective.
* Clock messages for the Rhythm Tempo are not transmitted
from the MIDI OUT connector.

One Shot Mode

Switch (One Shot Mode Switch)

Range: OFF/ON
This causes all the samples assigned to a selected Rhythm
Tone in Loop mode (p. 175) played all together (One Shot).
* This function cannot be used with internal waves, and waves
on Wave Expansion Boards.
* Loop mode settings cannot be changed for individual samples.