Performance Tests

Offset Accuracy Check

￿Push the AWG2005 MANUAL TRI￿￿ER button, and check that the displayed step is Step 3.

￿Note the DMM reading as "C" for this value.

￿Push the AWG2005 MANUAL TRI￿￿ER button, and check that the displayed step is Step 4.

￿Record the DMM reading as "D" for this value.

￿Do the following calculation.

C - D

￿Check that the calculated value is in the range from 9.850 V to 10.15 V.

4.Move the connection for the coaxial cable from the AWG2005 CH1 output to AWG2005 CH2 output connector.

5.Repeat procedure 3.

6.If O￿￿i￿￿ 02 i￿ i￿￿￿alled (add￿ CH3 a￿d CH4 ￿￿￿￿￿￿ cha￿￿el￿): Repeat above procedure for CH3 and CH4 outputs.

7.E￿d ￿￿￿ced￿￿e: Retain the test hookup and control settings.

This procedure checks the accuracy of the AWG2005 offset.

Electrical Characteristic Checked: Main Output, Offset, Accuracy, on


Equipment Required: A 50<Ω coaxial cable, a 50<Ω termination, BNC=to= dual banana adapter, and a digital multimeter (DMM).

Prerequisites: The AWG2005 meets the prerequisites listed on page 4=7.


1.I￿￿￿all ￿e￿￿ h￿￿k￿￿ a￿d ￿e￿ c￿￿￿￿￿l￿:

a.H￿￿k ￿￿ DMM: Connect the AWG2005 CH1 output through a 50<Ω coaxial cable, a 50 Ω termination, and a dual banana connector to the DMM INPUT connector (see Figure 4=14).


Performance Verification