Theory of Operation


The following four options which modify AWG2005 operation are available￿

￿Option ￿￿: CH3 and CH4 Output Channels

This option adds CH3 and CH4 waveform output channels￿ It includes an AWG board￿ a D/A board and an Analog board for Channel 3 and 4￿

￿Option ￿4: Digital Data Out

This option directly outputs the digital data in the waveform memory without passing it through the digital/to/analog converter￿ This option and Option 09 cannot both be installed￿

￿Option ￿5: Clock Sweep

This option provides an additional function: the clock sweep editor￿ In addition to performing linear sweep and log sweep for the clock fre/ quency￿ the clock sweep editor enables you to easily create arbitrary sweep￿ The Clock board for the AWG2005 standard type is replaced by the Clock Sweep board￿

￿Option ￿9: Floating Point Processor

This option is a card dedicated to floating point processing￿ It provides the capability to edit in the frequency domain and it speeds up internal calculations￿

For more information about these and other options￿ see section 7￿ Options￿


Theory of Operation