Remo￿al and Ins￿alla￿ion Proced￿res

Fron￿￿panel Mod￿le


This procedure includes removal and reinstallation instructions for the front*panel module and front*panel buttons. Unless either of those modules are being serviced, do not do step 6, •Further disassembly of Front*panel Module."

1.Assemble equipment and locate modules to be removed:

a.You will need a flat9bladed screwdriver and a 0.059inch and 1@169inch hex wrench to do this procedure.

b.Locate the modules to be removed in the locator diagram, External Modules, in Figure 693.

c.Do the procedure, Front Cover, Trim Ring, and Menu Buttons, steps81-6 (immediately preceding this procedure).

2.Remove front*panel knob: Do the Front*panel Knob procedure, on page86917.

3.Remove front cover, trim ring, and menu buttons: Do the Front Cover, Trim Ring, and Menu Buttons procedure on page 6922 removing only the module(s) you want to service.

4.Orient instrument: Set the AWG2005 with the bottom down on the work surface and the front facing you.

5.Remove front*panel module:

a.As shown in Figure 699, release the snap at the right of the front9 panel module using a flat9bladed screwdriver. Lift the front9panel module out of the chassis until you can reach the interconnect cable.

b.Disconnect the ribbon interconnect cable at J101 and flexible board connector at JP301 on the A12 Keyboard assembly. Disconnect the interconnect cable at the TRIGGER INPUT connector.

c.Finally, lift the front9panel module out of the chassis to complete the removal.

