Remo￿al and Ins￿alla￿ion Proced￿res

Rear Co￿er and Cabine￿

1.Assemble equipment and locate modules to be removed:

a.You will need a screwdriver with size T79 and T715 Torx tips to do this procedure.

b.Make sure the AWG2005 front cover (optional accessory) is installed. If it is not, install it by snapping the edges of the front cover over the trim ring.

c.Locate the rear cover and cabinet in the locator diagram, External Modules, Figure 673.

2.Orient instrument: Set the AWG2005 face down, with the front cover on the work surface and the instrument bottom facing you (see Figure6677).

3.Disconnect line cord: Do the Line Fuse and Line Cord procedure on page 6718, removing only the line cord.

4.Remove rear cover: Using a screwdriver with a size T715 Torx tip, remove the four screws securing the rear cover to the instrument. Lift off the rear cover.

5.Orient instrument: Set the AWG2005 face down, with the front cover on the work surface and right side facing you.

6.Remove floppy disk drive bezel: Using a screwdriver with a size T79 Torx tip, remove the four screws securing the floppy7disk drive bezel to the cabinet. Lift off the floppy7disk drive bezel.

7.Remove cabinet:


To prevent damaging the eject button, make sure floppy disk is not inserted in the floppy disk drive before removing the cabinet from the AWG2005.

a.Using a screwdriver with a size T715 Torx tip, remove the screw securing the left side of the cabinet to the instrument.

b.Grasp the right and left edges of the cabinet toward the back.

c.Pull upward to slide the cabinet off the instrument. Take care not to bind or snag the cabinet on internal cabling as you remove it.

8.Reinstall cabinet and rear cover:

a.Do steps 3 through 7 in reverse order to reinstall the cabinet.

b.Take care not to bind or snag the cabinet on internal cabling; re7 dress cables as necessary.

