Preparation for Use


To check the fuse￿ remove the fuse holder on the rear panel￿ Refer to Fig/


ure￿￿/￿ for the location of the fuse holder￿ To remove the fuse holder￿ turn it


counter/clockwise with a screwdriver while pushing it in￿ Then remove the


fuse from the fuse holder￿

￿pplying and

Consider the following information when you power on or power off the

Interrupting Power

AWG￿￿￿5 or when external power loss occurs￿



Power on Cycle


At power/on￿ the start/up diagnostics check the AWG￿￿￿5 operation￿ The


start/up diagnostics take about 3￿ seconds￿ If all diagnostic items complete


without error￿ the AWG￿￿￿5 displays PASS on the screen and then changes


to the SETUP menu￿


If the diagnostics detect an error￿ the AWG￿￿￿5 displays FAIL and the error


code￿ To exit the diagnostics menu￿ press any key; then the system displays


the SETUP menu￿ See section 6￿ Maintenance￿ for information on diagnos/


tics and fault isolation￿




If the ambient temperature goes outside the specified operating


temperature range, an error occurs during the diagnostics at pow(


er(on. If this happens, power off the AWG2005 and wait until the


chassis temperature is appropriate; then switch the power on




Power off Cycle




To prevent loss of internally stored adjustment constants, DO NOT


power off the AWG2005 when doing the internal calibration de(


scribed in section 5, Adjustment Procedures.


Wait for the AWG￿￿￿5 to finish the operation when doing internal calibration


or saving waveform or sequence files￿ Improper power/off or unexpected


loss of power to the AWG￿￿￿5 can result in the corruption of data stored in


nonvolatile memory￿

￿WG￿￿￿￿ Service Manual
