Preparation for Use

Memory Backup Power

A lithium battery maintains internal nonvolatile memory￿ allowing the AWG2￿￿5 to retain waveform and sequence files if AC power is lost￿ This battery has a shelf life of about three years￿ Partial or total loss of stored information at power.on may indicate that the battery needs to be replaced￿


To avoid risk of fire or explosion, replace the AWG2005 battery with a lithium battery having the part number listed in section 10￿ Me. chanical Parts List. This battery is a safety)controlled part.

To avoid risk of fire or explosion, do not recharge, rapidly dis) charge, or disassemble the battery; and do not incinerate the battery or heat it above 100°-C. Also, dispose of used batteries promptly. Small quantities of used batteries can be disposed of in normal refuse. Keep lithium batteries away from children.

Insta￿￿ed Options

Your AWG2￿￿5 may include one or more options￿ To determine which op.


tions are installed￿ power on the AWG2￿￿5 and look at the display during


the power.on sequence￿ The AWG2￿￿5 lists the installed options after Op.


tions￿ near the top of the display￿


Table 2.1 of this subsection gives information about line cord options￿ Sec.


tion 7￿ Options￿ lists other options and optional accessories￿ For further


information and prices of options￿ see your Tektronix Products catalog or


contact a Tektronix Field Office￿


Operating Information