Operating Environment

Preparation for Use

This subsection describes how to prepare the AWG2005 Arbitrary Waveform Generator for use. The information describes these items:

￿Proper operating environment

￿Checking power cord and line voltage configurations

￿Checking the fuse

￿Power2on and power2off cycles

To ensure proper AWG2005 operation and long life, note these environmen2 tal requirements.

Operating Temperature

The AWG2005 operates in an environment with an ambient air temperature between +10_1C and +40_1C. The AWG2005 storage temperature ranges from -20_1C to +60_1C. After storage at temperatures outside the operating limits, allow the AWG2005 chassis to stabilize at a safe operating tempera2 ture before applying power.

Ventilation Requirements

Air drawn in and exhausted through the cabinet side and bottom panels cools AWG2005 internal circuits. To ensure proper cooling, allow the follow2 ing clearances:

Top and back

7.61cm (3 in.)

Left and right

151cm (6 in.)

The feet on the bottom of the AWG2005 cabinet provide the required clear2 ance when it is set on a flat surface. The top of the AWG2005 does not require ventilation clearance.


To prevent temporar! shutdown of the AWG2005, do not restrict air flow through the chassis. If the AWG2005 shuts down unexpectedl!, improve ventilation around the AWG2005 and wait a few minutes to allow it to cool down; then switch the power on again.

￿WG￿￿￿￿ Service Manual
