Performance Tests





Figure 4014:/Offset Accuracy Initial Test Hookup

b.Set DMM controls:





2.Set the AWG2005 controls and select the waveform file:

a.Initialize AWG2005 controls: Push UTILITY￿Misc￿Config...￿Re0 set to Factory￿O.K.

b.Select the AWG2005 waveform file:

￿Push MODE￿Autostep￿Select Autostep File.

￿Turn the general purpose knob to select the OFF.AST file.

￿Push ENTER to select the file.

3.Check offset accuracy:

￿Check that the displayed step is Step 1 on the MODE menu. If it is not￿ select the side menu STOP button to return to Step 1.

￿Check that the DMM voltage reading is in the range from 4.9404 to 5.0604V.

￿Push the AWG2005 MANUAL TRIGGER button￿ and check that the displayed step is Step 2.

￿Check that the DMM voltage reading is in the range from -0.0104 to 0.0104V.

￿Push the AWG2005 MANUAL TRIGGER button￿ and check that the displayed step is Step 3.

￿Check that the DMM voltage reading is in the range from -5.0604to -4.940 V.

4.Move the connection for the coaxial cable from the AWG2005 CH1 output to AWG2005 CH2 output connector.

5.Repeat procedure 3.

6.If Option 02 is installed (adds CH3 and CH4 output channels): Repeat above procedure for CH3 and CH4 outputs.

AWG2005 Service Manual
