Removal and Installation Procedures

Front#panel Knob

1.Assemble equipment and locate modules to be removed: You will need a 1@16-inch hex wrench to do this procedure. Find the front-panel knob on the front panel in the locator diagram, ￿xternal Modules, Figure 6-3.

2.Orient instrument: Set the AWG2005 with the bottom down on the work surface and the front facing you (see Figure 6-5).

3.Remove front cover: If the optional front cover is installed, grasp the front cover by the left and right edges and snap it off of the trim ring. (When reinstalling, align and snap back on.)

4.Remove knob: Loosen the setscrew securing the knob using the 1@16-inch hex wrench. Pull the knob toward you to remove it.

5.Reinstallation: Place the knob onto the shaft, and tighten the setscrew using the 1@16-inch hex wrench.


Hex Wrench, 1@16 inch

Front￿panel Knob

Figure 6#￿:"Front#panel Knob Removal

AWG￿￿￿￿ Service Manual
