
Each member mailbox must be checked individually for messages,

The mailbox feature “Check” does not work on messages sent to Extended Mailboxes. For more information, refer to the F’ Lk5crip2ion manual’ - CUSTOMIZATION, Extended Mailboxes.

vTo avoid confusion, when a name is recorded for a mailbox, any associated Extended Mailbox should also have the qne name recorded. Since the name is spoken when a message is sent to or received from a mailbox with a name, if a message is sent to or received from an associated Extended Mailbox, the name is not spoken if it is not recorded. Confusion arises when the name is spoken sometimes and not spoken at other times, even though a message is received from or addressed to the same mailbox number.

Extended Mallbox for Alternate OffsIte Numbers

For offsite message waiting, more than one number can be called to be notified of the messages. This is done through the use of Extended Mailboxes. A typical application may look like the following.

Three technicians

hold pagers for an emergency mail-

each person

’ can be notified in



The Extended Mailboxes are defined as members of the maiIbox configured for offsite notification. Each Extended Mailbox contains the digits to dial for offsite notiEcation. The member mailboxes are used solely to store the alternate offsite notification numbers.

When a message is left, the Toshiba VP System gets the offsite notification number in a round-robin fashion, starting with the pilot mailbox. The first member is called next, followed by the next member, etc. If a member does not have an offsite number confgured, the number is used from the pilot mailbox.

Refer to the Feature Dexriprion manual - CUSTOMIZATION, Offsite or Pager Message Notification.

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Toshiba VP 300S manual Extended Mallbox for Alternate OffsIte Numbers, Succession