be run from this password level. Reports can be listed and clearexi. Bble entries may be m&ed, added, or deleted from UPDATE. Only the Admi&tmtive and Report words may be set at this 1eveL

At the @prompt type:

PASS A cnew passworb

For example,

@PASS A Wl.743

where ‘WIL?43” is the new Admin&mtive password.

- .


This level allows the LLST and CLEAR commands to be used for the Hardware Error ‘IWe, Pe& and all reports. Neither INSTAU nor UPDATE can be run from this password 1eveL Only the Report password may be set at this level.

At the @prompt type:

For ex&nple,


where ‘!MFU%” is the new Report password.

The password is requested when a terminal is cn~ected to the !+em, when an already- connected terminal is turned ON, or when the modem is accessed. The password entered at that time determines the level of access to the system. When a task is mmplete, the terminal should be disconnected from the modem or turned OFF. This assures that the appropxiate accesslevel is available for the next session.

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Image 14
Toshiba VP 300S Where ‘WIL?43 is the new Admin&mtive password, Where ‘!MFU% is the new Report password, @PASS a Wl.743