
recall 79, 127 user 77, 127

shutdown recovery 71 single load, connecting 51 Slave display annunciator 29 slew rate

overview 102 programming via SCPI 141 setting 103

SLEW RATE (menu item) 63 soft start operating state 58 soft switching power 21 specifications

electrical 228 environmental 242

For a more detailed list of specification items, see the Table of Contents at the beginning of Appendix E. 227

SRQ display annunciator 29

Standard Commands for Programmable Instruments. See SCPI commands.

status conditions, listed 83 status register 142

commands 157 condition 142 current 152 current share 148 enable 143 event 142 power 152 questionable 149 remote control 147 standard event 153 status byte 155 temperature 153 transition filters 143 voltage 152

STORE key 24, 61


terminal blocks 30 TRIGGER key 24

Trigger? display annunciator 29, 97 triggering 136

auto sequence 90, 96, 139 external input 108 setpoints 129

sources 136


UL approval viii unlocking control knobs 99 up arrow key 25

user lines 83, 107, 109

Also see triggering interlock auxiliary status lines USER LINES (menu item) 62

user request event error 219 user settings

changing 78 recalling settings 79 storing 77


vacuum fluorescent display 22, 23 ventilation 39

VIEW MODEL INFO (menu item) 104 voltage bar graph 28

VOLTAGE key 24, 61 voltage knob

described 24, 63 illustrated 23 locking out 99

voltage limit setting 100, 129

voltage mode operation test 46


wire specification (AC) 41


Operating Manual for XDC Series Power Supply

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Image 252
Xantrex Technology XDC manual 250