Basic Checks or Self-Tests
46 Operating Manual for XDC Series Power Supply
Power ON
To complete the power on check:
1. Ensure that the AC power switch is OFF.
2. Connect the unit to an AC outlet.
3. Turn the front panel AC power switch to ON.
After a short power-on delay, the front panel digital meters and the CV annunciator
illuminate. Both voltmeter and ammeter displays should read zero.
Check the front panel annunciators. If OUT ON is illuminated, press OUT ON/OFF
to disable the output. The OUT OFF annunciator should now be illuminated. For an
illustration of the annunciators and their locations, see “Status Annunciators” on
page 28.
If the ERR indicator is lit, see “Read Error Messages” on page 82 or page 135 on
how to read an error message, and consult Appendix C to determine the meaning of
the error. If an unexpected error persists after the power has been cycled, contact the
manufacturer for assistance.
Voltage Mode Operation Check
To complete the voltage mode operation check:
1. Ensure that the OUT OFF annunciator is illuminated. If OUT ON is illuminated,
press OUT ON/OFF.
2. Connect a Digital Voltmeter (DVM) to the output terminals on the rear panel,
observing correct polarity.
3. Press OUT ON/OFF to turn the DC output ON.
On units rated higher than 40V, ensure that the electrical connections are protected
to prevent accidental contact.
When making connections to the bus bars, ensure that each terminal’s mounting
hardware and wiring assembly are placed so they don’t touch the other terminal and
short the power supply outlet. Heavy connecting cables must have some form of
strain relief so the connections aren’t loosened and the bus bars aren’t bent.