Software Installation
Printer Software Setup
To connect a printer to your system, you must tell the system which type of printer (printer model) you are connecting. Use the AT&T FACE utility to set up the printer software.
Before you begin, be sure that the printer is physically connected to the parallel port.
Use the following steps to setup the printer software.
1.Log in as root.
2.At the # prompt, type face and press (Enter). The AT&T FACE menu appears.
3.From the AT&T FACE menu, highlight System Administration and press (Enter).
The System Administration menu is displayed.
4.Highlight Peripherals Setup and press (Enter). The Peripherals Setup menu appears.
5.Highlight Printer Setup and press (Enter). The Printer Setup menu appears.
6.Highlight Parallel Printer Port and press (Enter). The Parallel Printer Port Setup form is displayed.