Software Installation
Installing AUDIX Voice Power Application Software
The number of disks in the application software set depends on the disk size being used.
Prior to AUDIX Voice Power application software installation, the audix login should have been created for the AUDIX Voice Power System Manager. If this has not been done, follow the steps in the preceding section, Creating a Login for Voice Administration before proceeding.
To install the AUDIX Voice Power application software, follow these steps:
The Speech section of the application software must be installed before the Software section.
1.Log in as root (if not already logged in).
2.At the # prompt, type installpkg and press (Enter). For systems with an installed tape drive:
—The system displays
Please indicate the installation medium you intend to use. Strike C to install from CARTRIDGE TAPE or F to install from FLOPPY DISKETTE. Strike ESC to stop.
— Type f.
For systems with more than one floppy disk drive:
— The system displays
This system has two floppy drives. Strike ENTER to install from drive O or 1 to install from drive 1.
—Type 1 and press (Enter) to select drive 1, or just press (Enter) to Select drive 0.