Upgrade Procedures
g.Insert disk 1 of the AUDIX Voice Power Application Software R2.1.1: Software into the floppy disk drive and press (Enter).
h.For each additional disk, insert the requested disk and press (Enter) as prompted by the system.
i.When prompted, remove the last disk from the disk drive.
You are then prompted to enter the login of the AUDIX Voice Power System Administrator.
j.Type audix and press (Enter). You will be asked to confirm.
k.Press (Enter).
After the last disk has been inserted, the following messages appear:
***Upgrading the AVP R2.0 database to the R2.1.1 format ***
Upgrading | .prompt | file |
U p g r a d i n g | the pwdb | file and creating |
scr_pwdb |
Upgrading | system parameter files | |
Upgrading | aaspeech files | |
Upgrading | AA menu files | |
Upgrading voice mail names and | ||
greetings | database |
A series of file names that are being moved will scroll on the screen.
An installation confirmation message appears.
The installation of the AUDIX Voice Power Application Software R2.1.1 is now complete.