Upgrade Procedures
e.The system prompts you for the following information after it reads the last disk in the Integrated Voice Power System Software set:
Select the time zone for this installation:
4.Pacific Enter Selection:
f.Enter your selection and press (Enter). You will receive the following message:
Confirm: the installation time zone number is <selected number> (y/n)
g.Type Y if the number matches the correct time zone and press (Enter).
The following message appears:
is daylight savings time ever used?
h. Type y or n as appropriate.
N O T E :
If y is entered, the system will automatically change the time for daylight savings. If n is entered, daylight savings time will not be used.
The names of files are displayed as they are copied to the hard disk, then the following prompt appears:
Reserving a disk slice for speech.
Disk 0 Slice 4 will be reserved for
speech (y/n)