About This Guide
Chapter 4: Configuration Testing and Troubleshooting explains how to test your system for proper operation after all hardware and software has been installed, or if you suspect problems.
Chapter 5: Upgrade Procedures explains the procedure used to upgrade from AUDIX Voice Power Release 1.1 to AUDIX Voice Power Release 2.0, and from AUDIX Voice Power Release 2.0 to AUDIX Voice Power Release 2.1.1.
Chapter 6: Recovery from System Failures provides procedures for recovering the system from backup in the event of a system failure.
Appendix A: Installing a Second Hard Disk provides procedures for installing a second hard disk.
Intended Audience
This guide is intended for technical personnel at customer sites and for AT&T Service Technicians. Use it as a guide for system installation and as a reference for system maintenance.
If you have questions or problems with AUDIX Voice Power, please try to resolve them by using this guide and the other AUDIX Voice Power documents. If you are still unable to resolve the problem, then contact your AT&T Account Representative or AT&T Authorized Dealer.