Hardware Installation
Determining the Board Configuration by Testing
If the board has slide switches, it maybe necessary to test the board to determine if it has configuration B or C. If you already know the configuration, use the test to confirm board operation.
To determine the configuration by testing:
1.Set the switches to match configuration B in Figure
2.Install the board and close the case.
3.Install the application software.
The application software has not been installed at this time. See Chapter 3 of this guide for instructions on installing all software.
4.Log in as root. At the # prompt, type /vs/bin/display card all and press (Enter).
—The following screen illustrates the data displayed when the boards have been correctly configured. Find the O.S. Index number. (The O.S. number is the switch [SW12.1 ] setting for each board as seen by the system.) The system sees Board 1 as Card 0, Board 2 as Card 1, and so on. O.S. Indexes 0, 1, and 2 are for the first, second, and third boards respectively.
Verify that the card number and the O.S. Index number are the same. Also verify that the number of cards present is equal to the number of boards installed.