Configuration Testing and Troubleshooting
Motherboard Failure
If the motherboard fails, do the following:
1.Insert the Customer Test disk in the floppy disk drive.
2.Run tests for each item whose status is FAIL. See the section General Diagnostics in this chapter for more information. If necessary, refer to Problem Solving in the AT&T WGS User's Guide for the appropriate processor.
3.Replace the motherboard (if defective). Refer to the AT&T WGS Service Manual for the appropriate processor.
4.Boot the Customer Test disk and select the setup utility. Set the configurations as follows:
■Set up hard drive type
■Setup monitor type
■Disable shadow of BIOS
■Save and reboot system
See the section Configuration: the SETUP Utility in Chapter 2.
You do not need to recover the hard disk if only the motherboard fails.
Data Corruption
If the screen is garbled and/or the system is running, but error messages are displayed from the UNIX system or one of the installed applications, it may mean that there is corrupt data. If this is the case, you must reinstall the software and restore the system data files. Refer to Chapter 3, Software Installation, for information on reinstalling the software. Refer to Chapter 6, Recovering from System Failure, for information on recovering system data files.