loadable. Having the ability to be loaded.

LME. Library Managed Encryption

LTO cartridge memory (LTO-CM). Within each LTO Ultrium data cartridge, an embedded electronics and interface module that can store and retrieve a cartridge’s historical usage and other information.

LVD. SCSI Bus Low Voltage Differential


MAC Address. The Media Access Control address of a computer networking device.

magnetic tape. A tape with a magnetical surface layer on which data can be stored by magnetic recording.

MAP. Maintenance analysis procedure.

mask. A pattern of characters that controls the retention or elimination of portions of another pattern of characters. To use a pattern of characters to control the retention or elimination of portions of another pattern of characters.

master file. A file used as an authority in a given job and that is relatively permanent, even though its contents may change. Synonymous with main file.

Maximum Transmission Unit (MTU). The size of the largest packet that a network protocol can transmit.

MB. Mega Byte (usually expressed as data rate in MB/s or MB/second).

media capacity. The amount of data that can be contained on a storage medium, expressed in bytes of data.

media-type identifier. Pertaining to the bar code on the bar code label of the Ultrium Tape Cartridge, a

2-character code, L1, that represents information about the cartridge. L identifies the cartridge as one that can be read by devices which incorporate LTO technology;

1indicates that it is the first generation of its type.

mega. One million of.

meter. In the Metric System, the basic unit of length; equal to approximately 39.37 inches.

MIB file. Management Information Block

micro. One millionth of.

microcode. (1) One or more micro instructions. (2) A code, representing the instructions of an instruction set, implemented in a part of storage that is not program-addressable. (3) To design, write, and test one or more micro instructions. (4) See also microprogram.

microdiagnostic routine. A program that runs under the control of a supervisor, usually to identify field replaceable units.

microdiagnostic utility. A program that is run by the customer engineer to test the machine.

microinstruction. A basic or elementary machine instruction.

microprogram. A group of microinstructions that when executed performs a preplanned function.

The term microprogram represents a dynamic arrangement or selection of one or more groups of microinstructions for execution to perform a particular function. The term microcode represents microinstructions used in a product as an alternative to hard-wired circuitry to implement certain functions of a processor or other system component.

MIM. Media information message.


modifier. That which changes the meaning.

mount a device. To assign an I/O device with a request to the operator.

MP. Microprocessor.

ms. Millisecond.

MSG. Message.

multipath. Pertaining to using more than one path.


N/A. Not applicable.

Network Address Translation (NAT). NAT involves rewriting the source and/or destination addresses of IP packets as they pass through a Router or firewall. Most systems using NAT do so in order to enable multiple hosts on a private network to access the Internet using a single public IP address.

node. In a network, a point at which one or more functional units connect channels or data circuits.

NVS. Nonvolatile storage. A storage device whose contents are not lost when power is cut off.


oersted. The unit of magnetic field strength in the unrationalized centimeter-gram-second (cgs) electromagnetic system. The oersted is the magnetic field strength in the interior of an elongated, uniformly

H-6Dell PowerVault TL2000 Tape Library and TL4000 Tape Library User's Guide

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