Table C-2. LTO Tape Drive Sense Data (continued)
Bit Address or Name
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
12-13 Additional Sense Code (ASC) -
Additional Sense Code Qualifier (ASCQ) (Continued)
Byte 12 Byte 13
52 00 - Cartridge fault - A command could not be completed due to a fault in the
tape cartridge
53 00 - Media Load/Eject Failed - (Sense Key 03) An attempt to load or eject
the cartridge failed due to a problem with the cartridge.
53 00 - Media Load/Eject Failed - (Sense Key 04) An attempt to load or eject
the cartridge failed due to a problem with the drive
53 02 - Media Removal Prevented - An Unload command has failed to eject the
cartridge because media removal has been prevented
5D 00 - Failure Prediction Threshold - Failure Prediction thresholds have been
exceeded indicating that a failure may occur soon
5D FF - Failure Prediction False - A Mode Select command has been used to test
for Failure Prediction system.
82 82 - Drive requires cleaning - The drive has detected that a cleaning operation
is required to maintain good operation
82 83 - Bad Code Detected - The data transferred to the drive during a
firmware upgrade is corrupt or incompatible with drive hardware
Appendix C. Sense Data C-9