Table C-2. LTO Tape Drive Sense Data


























Bit Address or Name

















































Last Error FSC





















































Last Error Flag Data


















































LPOS Region




















ERP Summary Information


















Product Revision Level: YMDV






(as defined in Standard Inquiry; this is also known as the Code Level)




















Reserved (0)

















The descriptions below serve only as an overview of sense reporting in the tape drive. This tape drive conforms to all sense field reporting as specified in the SCSI standards.


1.The Error Code field (Byte 0) is set to 70h to indicate a current error, that is one associated with the most recently received command. It is set to 71h to indicate a deferred error which is not associated with the current command.

2.The segment number (Byte 1) is zero since the Copy, Compare, and Copy and Verify commands are not supported.

3.The File Mark flag (Byte 2, bit 7) is set if a Space, Read, or Verify command did not complete because a file mark was read.

4.The End of Media (EOM) flag (Byte 2, bit 6) is set if a Write or Write File Marks command completed in the early warning area. Spacing into BOM also causes this flag to be set. It is also set on an attempt to read or space past EOD, or if an attempt is made to space into Beginning of Media.

5.The Illegal Length Indicator (ILI) flag (Byte 2, bit 5) is set if a Read or Verify ended because a block was read from tape that did not have the block length requested in the command.

6.The Information Bytes (Bytes 3-5) are only valid if the Valid flag is set. This occurs only for current errors and not for deferred errors.

7.The Field Replaceable Unit field (Byte 14) is set to either zero or to a non-zero, vendor-specific code indicating which part of the drive is suspected of causing the failure.

8.The Clean (CLN) flag (Byte 21, bit 3) is set if the drive needs cleaning and clear otherwise.

9.The Volume Label Fields Valid (VolValid) bit (Byte 21, bit 0) is set if the Volume Label being reported is valid.

10.The Volume Label field (Bytes 22-28) reports the volume label if a cartridge is loaded in the drive and Volume Label Fields Valid is set.

11.The Current Wrap field (Byte 29) reports the physical wrap of the tape. The least significant bit reflects the current physical direction. A 0

Appendix C. Sense Data C-13

Page 237
Image 237
Dell TL2000 manual Appendix C. Sense Data C-13