changed from a LTO full height to half height configuration in order for the library
to operate properly. If just adding a new drive to the configuration the restore
factory default is not required - only a power cycle of the library.
Table 5-3. Factory Default Settings
Restored Item Default Setting* Comments
Autoclean Disabled
Logical Libraries 1
Active Slots Maximum
I/O Slots Enabled
Encryption None
DHCP Enabled
IPv4/IPv6 Default Setting IPv4 Only
Bar Code Label Length 8
SNMP Disabled
Email Notifications None
User Access Restore from Operator Control Panel
or Web User Interface
Admin secure (default)
Library Mode Random
Library Name Default (Depends on MAC Address)
Logs & Traces Continuous
Path Failover Key No change Key is protected
Power Power On (All drives)
Drive 1 SCSI-ID 4 SCSI Drives
Drive 2 SCSI-ID 5 SCSI Drives
Drive 3 SCSI-ID 6 SCSI Drives
Drive 4 SCSI-ID 8 SCSI Drives
Drive 1 Loop-ID 4 FC Drives Arbitrated Loop
Drive 2 Loop-ID 5 FC Drives Arbitrated Loop
Control Path Drive Drive 1 only
Partitions None
Reserved Slots 2U: 24, 4U: 48
IPv6 Stateless Autoconfig Off
Note: * = all settings at library firmware level 4.xx and greater
In some cases, (such as Library Mode), the entry of one option precludes any other
options from being selected. In such cases, the details of the non-applicable options
are not shown.
Configure: Set Date and Time
Use this menu item to set the current date and time in your library.
Chapter 5. Operations 5-25