3Us￿ th￿ right ￿am journal to lift th￿

pin￿h$wh￿￿ls￿ an￿ l￿t th￿ roll￿r ￿rop into pla￿￿.

4Ensur￿ that th￿ b￿aring ass￿mbly at th￿ right ￿n￿ of th￿ ￿riv￿ roll￿r is s￿at￿￿ in th￿ right si￿￿plat￿ an￿ ￿ompl￿t￿ly on th￿ right si￿￿ of th￿ axial bias plat￿.

5R￿pla￿￿ th￿ ov￿r￿riv￿ ￿lips un￿￿rn￿ath th￿ m￿￿ia s￿parator.

6R￿pla￿￿ th￿ m￿￿ia mount.

Press down on the media mount as you replace the three screws. This is to ensure correct spacing between the drive roller and the cartridge nozzles.

￿￿￿ss ￿￿￿n ￿￿￿￿ ￿s

￿￿￿ ￿i￿￿￿￿n s￿￿￿￿s


Media￿motor mount

Calibration: Perform the accuracy calibration after reassembling the plotter. (Details ' chapter 7.)


R￿moval￿an￿￿R￿pla￿￿m￿nt 6$4￿￿