5Place the gauge on the drive roller on the left/hand side of the carriage￿ with the GO side facing the carriage￿ in the position shown below:






6With the gauge held in place￿ manually move the carriage over the GO side of the gauge. The ledge￿ indicated below￿ should easily pass over the GO side of the gauge.

W ￿ R N I N G

Make sure that the carriage is in the down position at all times when passing over the gauge.


If the ledge does not go over the GO side of the gauge￿ adjust the carriage/to/media distance ' page 7/13.

7Remove the gauge and replace it on the drive roller with the NO GO side facing the carriage.

8With the gauge held in place￿ manually try to pass the carriage over the NO GO side of the gauge. The ledge￿ indicated above￿ should not pass over the NO GO side of the gauge.

If the ledge does go over the NO GO side of the gauge￿ adjust the carriage/to/media distance ' page 7/13.

9Replace the Yellow cartridge in the carriage.

7/12 Calibrations￿and￿Adjustments
