W ￿ R N I N G

In the following steps￿ take care neither to cut yourself on the encoder strip￿ nor to damage the strip￿

7On th￿ right#han￿ si￿￿￿ r￿mov￿ th￿ nut an￿ wash￿r that s￿￿ur￿ th￿ ￿n￿o￿￿r strip to th￿ ￿n￿o￿￿r#strip spring.


8R￿mov￿ th￿ s￿r￿w an￿ wash￿r that s￿￿ur￿ th￿ ￿n￿o￿￿r strip to th￿ l￿ft bra￿k￿t.


9Compr￿ssing th￿ ￿n￿o￿￿r#strip spring to r￿l￿as￿ t￿nsion on th￿ ￿n￿o￿￿r strip￿ ￿ar￿fully r￿l￿as￿ th￿ ￿n￿o￿￿r strip from th￿ pin on th￿ spring.

10Car￿fully r￿l￿as￿ th￿ ￿n￿o￿￿r strip from th￿ l￿ft bra￿k￿t.

6#18 R￿moval￿an￿￿R￿pla￿￿m￿nt
